Friday 13 November 2009

Technology Corner

What's happening in the world of computers? And why should we care? Well.. let me tell you.. there are some exiting things happening! Some scientist from Stanford says:

“within five to ten years it should be possible to make accurate 10- to 14-day weather forecasts.. [the main obstacle is] to set up a global data-collection system and to perfect our physical understanding of the atmosphere"

Wow! Pretty exciting stuff! But what about operating systems? What do Microsoft have to say?

"Hi, I'm Crystal. Not long ago I had a thought - right in the back of a taxi. Using a PC should be simpler.. so I told Microsoft - and look at this! Windows 7 with this new taskbar! Now I can see everything that's open. Its just miles simpler. I told them what to do and they did it! I could really get used to this.. Onwards driver! I'm a PC and windows 7 was my idea"

I'm a little underwhelmed by this. Shouldn't these Microsoft Gods be working in the office, not in taxis? And it leaves several questions unanswered.. How will these computers forecast the weather? And how could they be used to set up a Global data-collection system?

As for the cryptic ending.. I'm a PC?! Is this some advance in AI? Or cybernetics perhaps? Sometimes what's most interesting is what isn't said.


  1. It seems like half the people who comment on your blog have names that reflect their personalities.

  2. Gertrude Bertrude16 November 2009 at 10:21

    What about Apple? For this omission, Sir, my MP can expect an angry letter

  3. gerry guardianreader25 November 2009 at 15:27

    you are owned by the man!? advertising bill gates so-called-software is like eating nestle chocolate off a dieing dehydrated somalian baby!? or denying climate change!? get with the program!?

  4. I assure you I am not beholden to 'the man'.
