Tuesday 10 November 2009

Sarcozy's silver toungue

Sarcozy: Darling, do you know what you are?
Bruni: No, dearest?
Sarcozy: Cassoulet
Bruni: And why is that, mon cher?
Sarcozy: Because you're the national dish!

Now.. I'm not privy to all of the goings on in France - but if I had to bet on one saucy exchange having taken place between the President of France and his other half, this would be it. What a smooth talker he is!


  1. So what you're actually doing is inventing some ludicrous dialog between Sarcozy and his wife - and then using it to prove your own point! Oh ho ho.. this really takes the biscuit!

  2. Mr. Clive Cricket11 November 2009 at 13:58

    Frankly I'm totally uninterested in this post; it has nothing to do with cricket.
