Tuesday 2 February 2010

Captain's Round-up

Its been a quiet few weeks on the World Stage. I had Barrack on the phone a few days ago.. all tearful.. but Silvio's on the mend, and Nicholas is proving to be quite the Kid Napoleon. I saw old Mandy on the television the other day, he said:
"You can't airbrush Gordon Brown.. not like you can airbrush David Cameron! Sometimes it's hard enough to hairbrush Gordon Brown!"
Well.. I'm not suprised. Gordy comes over all sweetness and light, but if Mandy ever tried to brush his hair (especially if he wasn't expecting it), he'd end up chewing on the thick end of a knuckle sandwich. Struck down by a great clunking fist!

Most of these Great Men want to ask me one question: What on earth was Shahid Afridi thinking? Why the Devil did he bite a cricket ball?

I have the answer.. if you watch Afridi playing 20-20 cricket, he's rather like a man amoungst boys. He seems 2ft taller than his colleagues.. a competetive Dad! When he took a bite out of that ball he wasn't trying to alter it! He was trying to destroy it! To teach his large Pakistani family a lesson.

Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind.


  1. I'm a very old man.. old enough to remember the old 'spittle and daub' balls of yesteryear. Perhaps Afridi was harking back to the days of the musty cherry!

    Of course in my youth you were lucky if the ball bounced three times in a game.. full tosses were the order of the day!

    They were simpler times.. but in a way better.

  2. A foreigner chewing on a cricket ball?! Oh well.. what a surprise! My Jo and her twins were around the other day, and they all agreed.

    He should have covered the ball in garlic, then it would have tasted just as bad as all that other foreign muck!

  3. whats going on cap?

  4. What's going on is.. I was a bit ill and didn't feel like posting.. but now I'm back in the black!
