Saturday, 16 May 2009

Here comes the Whistleman

As part of the celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the release of Giant Steps, the musicians union has asked me to lay out some guidelines for future Popsters. What do I know about music? But they're too clever by half and saw through my self-depreciation immediately.

So my recommendations are:
1. Sing more clearly.
2. Sing in an English accent.
3. Sing Up!
4. No more than 4 instruments to play on any record.
5. Use trumpets more - don't be gloomy!
6. If all else fail, release a cover of 'Here comes the Whistleman', by Rahsaan Roland Kirk.

1 comment:

  1. I've been reading this blog for months, and still can't make friends OR influence people. I thoroughly recommend it!

    Would a cover of 'Making love after hours' suffice for an aspiring Popster?
