Sunday, 26 September 2010

A new Ted for a new age

Ed Miliband is coming round for a chat over brunch. I'm going to prepare him a real treat!

First I wrap a banana in a fried egg. Then I place this in a bun. I sprinkle cornflakes over the top, and then to make sure that all the food groups are included, I pour brandy over it and set it on fire.

Hopefully Sarcozy will be out of the flat by then. I told him he could use the front room for a slumber party.


  1. By the way, I still think Ed should have used "A new Ted for a new age" as his campaign slogon. It's poor in that it brings to mind Edward Heath, but good in that otherwise its completely meaningless.

  2. I think Mr (so called) Milliband's new slogan should be "how can i sleep at night".
